Ed Z’berg Sugar Pine Point State Park


Explore - Sugar Pine Point State Park

Fire has been a part of the California landscape since time immemorial, yet we see an increasing risk of wildfire throughout our state due to the effects of human caused climate change. So what can you do? Get informed! To paraphrase George Santaya, "those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it." Join us at Sugar Pine State Park to learn about the history of human impact in the forest of the Lake Tahoe Basin and how that impact has permanently altered our relationship with fire in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.


AnimalsEd Z'berg Sugar Pine Point State ParkInsectsOceans and WatershedsPassPORTS Blended-Access Field TripsPeoplePlacesPlantsScience

Sugar Pine Point In-Person Field Trip

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3-56-89-12AnimalsClimateEd Z'berg Sugar Pine Point State ParkK-2PeoplePlacesPORTS On-DemandScience

Tahoe’s Urban Bears

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6-8Ed Z'berg Sugar Pine Point State ParkVideoPrevious Broadcasts

Land, Lake & Life at Lake Tahoe!

Join California State Parks Interpreter Ryan at Sugar Pine Point to discover the unique biodiversity of Lake Tahoe and its surrounding lakes, rivers, and forests!...