Lake Perris In-Person Field Trip
PassPORTS will be returning for the 24-25 school year!
The application form is now open! Please check the PassPORTS page and submit a request!
Explore the Regional Indian Museum at Lake Perris!
The untended areas of Lake Perris may seem rocky and barren at first glance, but an amazing variety of natural wonders are waiting to be found by those who seek them out. The predominant plant community, coastal sage scrub, is home to a variety of birds and animals like roadrunners,bobcats, coyotes, and jack rabbits.
Lake Perris State Recreation Area is not only a great place to spend time enjoying the water and wildlife, it is also features the rich history of the Indigenous peoples. During this 2 hour guided field trip, Students will learn about the history and culture of the 5 tribes represented at the Regional Indian Museum through interactive educational stations. Station 1 will cover the everyday tools used in the past. Station 2 will discuss Native foods and cooking. Station 3 will discuss and demonstrate hunting tools and techniques. Station 4 will discuss the impacts of colonization and Native culture today.
Apply for a FREE blended field trip to Lake Perris!
Lake Perris is excited to offer blended-access programs through PassPORTS, which offers Title I public schools with a field trip reimbursement grant to experience the park both virtually and in-person! Visit the page and submit a request form to find out if you qualify!
Want to find more PassPORTS Programs? Search the PORTSfinder!