Guided In-Person Immigration Station Tour at Angel Island State Park

Explore - Angel Island State Park's Immigration Station

The walls of the detention barracks at the U.S. Immigration Station, Angel Island are filled with poetry, written and carved by immigrants expressing their feelings of frustration, anger, and hope.

Historically called the “Guardian of the Western Gate” by staff, the U.S. Immigration Station, second in size only to Ellis Island in New York, was built to enforce immigration laws like the Chinese Exclusion Act. People from over 80 countries, were detained on Angel Island between 1910-1940 and the largest groups were immigrants from China, Japan, Russia, and India.

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See Angel Island in person!

Reserve a one-hour guided tour of the second largest immigration station in the U.S.This tour is intended for grades 4- 12, but is open to all. Large groups must book multiple timeslots and separate into groups of 30 (up to 40 for 4th-12th grade school groups.)

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