Sue-Meg Village Self-Guided Field Trip

PassPORTS will be returning for the 24-25 school year!

The application form is now open! Please check the PassPORTS page and submit a request!

Explore Sue Meg State Park!

Sue-meg Village is a recreated traditional Yurok Village comprised of redwood split-plank structures, engineered with amazing Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK). Built by and for Indigenous People of the North Coast, Sue-meg Village provides and active space for cultural revitalization and healing. Field trips will be hosted entirely outdoors, with some opportunities to sit under covered shelter if necessary. All attendees should be prepared for short trail walks through the park in potentially foggy and rainy conditions. If you have any questions regarding these field trip offerings, please contact .


Self-Guided Field Trips

Self Guided Field Trips are facilitated independently by K-12 educators, chaperones, and youth program leaders without the support of California State Park Staff. During your field trip, you are more than welcome to explore the park whilst following established park rules. Self-Guided Field Trips typically take 1-3 hours to complete. This field trip can accommodate a maximum of 80 students . The required adult to student ratio is 1:10. Upon completion of your field trip reservation, you will receive a confirmation email with information on how to prepare for and reflect on your in-person field trip.

Apply for a FREE blended field trip to Sue Meg Village!

Sue Meg State Park is excited to offer blended-access programs through PassPORTS, which offers Title I public schools with a field trip reimbursement grant to experience the park both virtually and in-person!

Don't wait, visit the PassPORTS page to learn more about the program and submit and interest form for the 2024-2025 school year.

Want to find more PassPORTS Programs? Search the PORTSfinder!