Join Amanda at the Lake Oroville State Recreation Area for Pollinators, Plants and People. Students will discover the parts of an insect, the classification system inside a honeybee hive, how pollinators support plants in our parks, and how honeybees pollinate plants we like to eat like fruits, vegetables and nuts.
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Pre-registration is required. Register at the following link:
For Teachers: You are welcome to share this webinar-styled program in your classroom. If your students are watching on individual devices, please send this registration link to your students. If each student is registered, it ensures that they will be able to access this program. If students are not able to register, then you can simply share the link you receive after registering.
For more information, please visit our FAQ Page:
Please note: We do our best to avoid cancelling any webinars but all PORTScast Programs are subject to change due to connectivity or staffing issues.
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